Sunday, 28 October 2007

VOIP Security

Very interesting subject area for me at present! Where better to find out what's hot than the VOIP Security Alliance here

History shows us that advances and trends in information technology typically outpace the corresponding realistic security requirements, which are often tackled only after these technologies are widely deployed. Voice over IP (VoIP) is no different. As VoIP's popularity increases, so will its exposure to current and emerging security threats.

The Voice over IP Security Alliance (VOIPSA) aims to fill the void of VoIP security related resources through a unique collaboration of VoIP and Information Security vendors, providers, and thought leaders.

VOIPSA's mission is to drive adoption of VoIP by promoting the current state of VoIP security research, VoIP security education and awareness, and free VoIP testing methodologies and tools.

They have a blog here also..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VoIP is a super interesting subject, it requires knowledge of networks, systems, applications, as well as voice specific knowledge and operations.

When i did my 'extensive' research, it was clear to me that when people asked "what are the security issues with VoIP", the answer was dependent on who you are and what you do.

For example, as a corporate customer, issues are completely different to that of a consumer at home.

VoIP interconnects (another massive area for profit) for example have very little by way of policy and best practice and the issues here are again different to corporates and consumers.

The telco providing the VoIP core network/switches unfortunately has the hardest task, whilst the others can focus on their particular issues, the telco has to interact with everyone and must address all potential issues within their security strategy.

Tim Mehmet